
The project

Natural evolution of the “nudeartzine” project, with “appunti di viaggio” (literally: travel notes) I collect images produced in one or more photographic sessions and always created together with the same woman: a muse for volume.

After selecting and post-producing them, I put the images in sequence – trying to tell a story, to follow a logical thread while maintaining a certain harmony.

Unlike “nudeartzine”, where each volume is dedicated to a photographer, in “appunti di viaggio” I use only my images and alternate them with texts, poems and whatever else the muse writes about herself, about life, emotions, struggles, joys and sorrows... I ask all of them to write freely, letting themselves be inspired by the images we have created together.

Each volume begins with an introduction that I write trying to tell my emotions, the relationship with my path in photography, the parallels with my life – both as a man and as a photographer. Anecdotes and whatever else went through my mind and heart during the shoot and afterwards: selecting the images and layout of the volume.

Every woman I meet is a “stage” of the journey: all the stages are somehow linked together in a common path to form the journey in the world of photography, but also of life, of which I publish my notes in this series.

It is a journey that I travel most of the time alone and, until the publication of the volume, together with these wonderful women who have decided to gift me some of their time and energy. In some cases, we’ve worked so well together that we’ve set up more than one session - which will lead to creating more than one volume dedicated to the same woman, telling different stories.

Whether our two worlds have affinities or not, in each session I learn something new: sometimes I can see aspects of myself that were previously hidden from me - though present on a subconscious level, sometimes I become aware of technical aspects, related to photography.

A series of “books”?

I honestly don’t feel like calling issues of “appunti di viaggio” books. I still have to grow up before I'm able to produce a book.
I have to call them something though! For now I call them “volumes”, a product halfway between a “zine” (definition and relationship with the project on the next page) and a book; which is also a good analogy, in fact I don’t feel like calling myself a photographer yet, at least for my vision of what a photographer is, the road is still long...

Always in countertendency, the series “appunti di viaggio” is available exclusively on paper: no digital, no download!
Along the way, at a certain point I realized that a photograph cannot be defined as such until it is printed. The previous, previous project, “nudeartzine”, was born just to give my small contribution to promote photography on paper; and with “appunti di viaggio” the discourse continues.

Also for “appunti di viaggio” I wanted to keep the selling price as low as possible. For this reason each volume consists of about 40 pages, soft cover and this time in a new square format of 21x21 cm.
And if the space is not enough, the excess texts will find space in special pages on my website.

The volumes of the series are available on Amazon at 9.99 US Dollars and, for Prime customers, with free shipping: practically the price of a drink!

What is a “zine”?