

Do you like the idea? Do you have something to tell? Join the project!

If you have a story to tell, it can be any theme you care about, I am potentially interested in producing a volume of the “appunti di viaggio” series together with you.

For the project I propose a collaboration: we both invest time and energy to prepare a one-day session – which we will do in Como and I ask you to come at your own expense; if you come from far away and you have to stay one or two nights, I offer you a solution in an apartment (where you will be alone and you will have your privacy) at a very cheap price.

If you want to participate anonymously we will find a pseudonym and I will make sure that you are not recognizable in the images.

To start, contact me on my Instagram profile or, better, on Telegram so we evaluate together the topic you would like to talk about.

If we decide to continue, this is what will happen then in the creation processes:

  1. You write a text, about 800~1000 words – more or less one A4 page in Pages or Word format.
  2. From there I will prepare some ideas for the images to be produced and I will share them with you; so we can think about it together and have a starting point for the images to be created in the session.
  3. We organize the shooting session to create the images, usually it takes a full day to create all the needed images.
  4. I prepare the selection of the best images also on the basis of the initial writing and then I post-produce them.
  5. I prepare the book layout and send you a draft (PDF) using some dummy text.
  6. You finalize the texts based on the images in the draft and your original text.
  7. I add your texts in the volume, finalize all the other details and order a test print: from experience I know that there is always something to fix that can only be seen on paper.
  8. Finally I share the test print (trough a small video) and, if everything is ok, I will publish it on Amazon!

A great team work!

After publishing the volume I will send you some pictures of the volume itself and some of the internal pages: you will use these files to help me promote the volume on your social networks.

In each volume there will be only unpublished images - apart from the ones we will use for the promotion.

In each volume there will be only unpublished images - beside the ones we will use for the promotion.
After publication I will give you the images (in digital) that I did not use for the volume, a couple of copies of the book (on paper of course) and, if we sell at least 50 copies, a percentage of the net proceeds on sales.

In my workflow, I’m never in a hurry: the whole process will take a few months and I’m sure each issue will help us both grow as human beings and as a model/photographer.

Participate in the project by sending me an email or contact me on my Instagram profile or, better yet, on Telegram – I almost always respond within a few hours.

Examples of images and layouts of the first few volumes